28 April 2010

LULUUUUUUUUUUS. Terimakasih ya Allah semuanya, :')

07 February 2010

Daddy.. :)

I remember when you use to take me on a
Bike ride everyday on the bayou
(You remember that? We were inseparable)
And I remember when you could do no wrong
You'd come home from work and
I jumped in your arms when I saw you
I was so happy to see you
(I was so excited, so happy to see you)

Because you loved me I overcome
And I'm so proud of what you've become
You've given me such security
No matter what mistakes I know you're there for me
You cure my disappointments and you heal my pain
You understood my fears and you protected me
Treasure every irreplaceable memory and that's why…

I want my unborn son to be like my daddy
I want my husband to be like my daddy
There is no one else like my daddy
And I thank you for loving me

I still remember the expression on your face
When you found out I'd been on a date and had a boyfriend
(My first boyfriend, you should have seen your face)
I still remember I called you crying cause of my tattoo
Could have said Beyonce I told you so
Instead you said you'd get one too
(Even my mama said y'all get one just like mine)

Words can't express my boundless gratitude for you
I appreciate what you do
You've given me such security
No matter what mistakes I know you're there for me
You cure my disappointments and you heal my pain
You understand my fears and you protected me
Treasure every extraordinary memory and that's why…

I want my unborn son to be like my daddy
I want my husband to be like my daddy
There is no one else like my daddy
And I thank you for loving me

Even if my man broke my heart today
No matter how much pain I'm in I will be okay
Cause I got a man in my life that can't be replaced
For this love is unconditional it won't go away
I know I'm lucky
Know it ain't easy
For men who take care of their responsibilities
Love is overwhelming
Lord why did you pick me
Can't stop my tears from falling
I love you so much daddy

(Thank you, you've done so much for me. I love you daddy.)

I get so emotional daddy, every time I think of you
I get so emotional daddy, every time I think of you
There is no one else like my daddy
No one else replace my daddy...

01 January 2010

Welcome 2010! :D

HAPPY NEW YEAAAAAAAAAAAR :D ga tau ke siapaaaa heheh. Tahun baru nggak ada perayaan khusus tiap tahunnya. Malahan suka tidur sebelum jam 12. Mungkin kalo lewat jam 12 juga, gara2 berisik diluar ada bunyi2 kembang api dan terompet dan teriakan orang -..- hahaha sedih ya? Weeeek ngga ah biasa aja. Tapi ada satu nih yang bikin ngeneees! Tembagapura ada bazar tahun baru aaaaaaaaaa itu rame banget banget :( coba aku meng-iyakan buat pergi dan pulang sendiri ke tembagapura, gapapa deh beraaaaaaniii :') okee deh itu cuma ngebikin sakit aja, lupain huuuuuuu

Hmmm pasti semua orang punya beberapa keinginan dong yah tahun baru? Hahahah saya juga saya jugaaaaa :D yang jelas dari tahun ke tahun, prioritas saya cuma pengen bisa ngebahagiain mamah sm papah dan bisa ngebantu yang perlu di bantu hahahaha serius nih :') dan tahun ini sih di khususin. SAYA LULUS SMA TAHUN INI TANPA PAKET C DAN TANPA REMEDIAL UN DAN KALO NGIKUT SNMPTN SAYA JUGA LULUS, AMIN Ya Allah Ya Rabbal Alamin.. :)

Okee deh nampaknya ini disudahi dulu yaaaaaaahhh :D aaaaw blog hancur gini. Insya Allah deh di benerin pas nunggu pengumuman snmptn yaa huhu amin ya Allah aku lulusssss :D